Channel Factory

How you show yourself to the world is important, from colors to imagery and spacing between elements-each carries a message to our brains. Branding, social, events, to decks, and devices. They all tell a story of how Channel Factory can help bridge the gap for brands to better spend their $$$ to why we're moving into a more 'conscious' area of advertising. We're constantly bombarded by advertisements every single day, so this begs the questions-how will we stand out, how we help brands better align with their audience.

Check them out

- Elevating Channel Factory brand into a trusted authority in the ad tech space. Softening the masculine sharp edges with more rounded shapes. 

- Representing how Channel Factory targets your audience. More diverse groups of people with ads/content they are consuming (from brands + creators).

- Custom iconography for decks, web, and social

- Custom graphic elements: flowing line to show conscious initiatives and connection between people + content

Social Design
Ad Design
Event Design

Web Pages


Real Talk

SUB brand LOGO

- An entity under Channel Factory focusing on talking with leaders in large companies over hot topics and marketing 

- Curves of the handwritten typography balanced with the bold masculine san-serif 


Cannes Lions


Decks, Events, Ads

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